Become emotionally and physically prepared for pregnancy and birth. Research available options for healthcare providers and birthing environments, and become informed about routine newborn care. Continuously educate yourself about developmental stages of childhood, setting realistic expectations and remaining flexible.
Nearly 30-year-old nonprofit Attachment Parenting International, now known as Nurturings, welcomes new Executive Director Art Yuen and celebrates 14-year service of Samantha Gray |
"Raising kids is a long game. We are parenting not only for what is happening in this moment but also for what happens in the years and decades to come." "That's a heavy weight to carry." |
"Is your baby sleeping through the night yet?" "Don't hold him too much!" "Just let her cry." "There's no benefit to breastfeed him past 1 year old." |
"We live in a quick-fix society. We see a lot of problems with how our society treats parents and families, particularly in Western society. |
API in Hungary! Thank you, Anna Tamas! Visit: See Anna and her mention of API in English at 07:55 minutes. |
"We evolved big social brains that develop mostly after birth. |
Every Mother Counts invites: |
Women who received more support from their partners during pregnancy experienced less distress postpartum and reported that their infants were happier, too. |
Group prenatal care was helpful in increasing self-esteem while decreasing social conflict and depression among at-risk women. |
Childbirth classes encouraged partner involvement, less anxiety, and less false labor but led to more labor interventions such as induction and epidural use. |
Parent education delivered through in-person and web-based classes was helpful for mothers of toddlers, whether or not they reported behavior problems. |