Making time to share time and interests with your child refills your love-tank and lets you bounce back after struggles. Small moments in every day, every week, keep us connected.
Making time to share time and interests with your child refills your love-tank and lets you bounce back after struggles. Small moments in every day, every week, keep us connected. |
Why regularly share the evening meal as a family? How does this routine activity serve us beyond nourishment? It has been said that the table is the heart of the home. At the table, we rejoin the pack in a timeless ritual. |
“We discovered that perceived harsh parenting, with physical punishment and psychological manipulation, can introduce an additional set of instructions on how a gene is read to become hard-wired into DNA. |
"Prior research shows that teens who have more secure family relationships report higher levels of empathy for others, but little research examines whether teens with more secure family relationships actually show greater empathy when observed in... read more |
"In the more than 20 years the Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood, childhood was transformed by smartphones, tablets, and an overwhelming array of apps and games designed to hook kids, monopolize their attention, and mine their personal... read more |
"We finished all the milk in the house around question seven, which is when we switched to vanilla ice cream. |
"A new study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health found that checking social media often, viewing emotional or violent videos, and starting to use social media at an early age were significantly related to later bedtimes and... read more |
"Telling a teen boy not to make a choice that he deems fun or a chance to succeed will seldom change the outcome as he is seeking autonomy and, like most teens, resists being told what to do or not do." ~Maggie Dent |
The theory of attachment styles says the emotional care and security a child received growing up will often affect the way they... read more |