"Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." Share this meme on API's blog or Facebook page.
"Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children." Share this meme on API's blog or Facebook page. |
"Depression in pregnancy increases the risk of behavioural and emotional problems in children, says a new review published in The Lancet Psychiatry." |
With our increasingly jam-packed lives, most expectant parents are not taking childbirth education classes and many aren’t getting to the stack of books they had hoped to read. |
I took Tylenol when I was pregnant. Now, I’m sitting here reading about a study through which Norwegian researchers have found a link between prenatal use of acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and childhood asthma. |
You either have preeclampsia or you don’t. You either have gestational diabetes or you don’t. You either have high blood pressure or you don’t. Right? |
In Cambodia, due to a traditional diet poor in iron-rich foods, iron deficiency affects over half of the population. Because iron supplements are cost prohibitive, an alternative solution was needed to solve this paramount dilemma. |
There's growing debate (and growing support) in the U.S. around paid parental leave. It's become a major campaign issue, and many states and municipalities are considering its pros, cons, and costs. |
Maternal weight gain between pregnancies increases the risk for stillbirth and infant death during the first year of life, according to a nationwide cohort study. |
"To produce breast milk, mothers melt their own body fat. Are you with me? We literally dissolve parts of ourselves, starting with gluteal-femoral fat, aka our butts, and turn it into liquid to feed our babies." |