It's exciting to see how much research is constantly being churned out that shows just how beneficial Attachment Parenting is to healthy infant and child development!
It's exciting to see how much research is constantly being churned out that shows just how beneficial Attachment Parenting is to healthy infant and child development! |
Much of Western society chooses to view childbirth differences as merely a matter of personal choice. Rather, API encourages us to recognize this important beginning in both our child's life and our relationship with our child. |
A family-centered cesarean is a relatively new concept that’s helping to make cesarean births gentler and more positive. |
Cesarean birth rates just may be affecting Western society's genetics, predisposing future generations to even higher C-section rates than today, according to an Austrian study published in the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences. |
Structural changes in the brains of pregnancy women are so distinct that mothers can be identified just by a look at their brain scans, according to a study conducted in Spain and published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. |
Four states have enacted paid family leave laws, and an additional 20 states plus the District of Columbia have proposals on the table. |
Eager for labor to begin and for baby to be born? First, take time to become aware of and consciously reflect on what is transpiring inside of you...physically, spiritually, emotionally. |
"We are finding that sugar exposure can begin to affect a child even before birth. The sugars that a mother consumes while pregnant or nursing can be passed to her baby, disrupt healthy growth and development, and pose risk for obesity." |