"This week, People sits down with Nicole Curtis, from the hit home renovation show Rehab Addict, to get all the details about what’s been going on with her personal life since the birth of her second child back in 2015. Nicole reveals why she chose to keep her pregnancy a secret and why the right to exclusively breastfeed her son has become the focal point of the ..."
Monthly Links
API Links is a monthly e-newsletter to help keep parents, professionals, and others abreast of the latest news and research in Attachment Parenting and updates of API programs.
Anyone can receive API Links! Click here to subscribe.
Feed with Love and Respect
November 21, 2017
October 3, 2017
"Pediatricians’ recommendations and practices became more closely aligned with AAP policy from 1995 to 2014; however, their attitudes about the likelihood of breastfeeding success have worsened. These 2 divergent trends indicate that even as breastfeeding rates continue to rise, continued efforts to enhance pediatricians’ training and attitudes about breastfeeding are necessary." |
August 1, 2017
The theme for World Breastfeeding Week 2017 is "Sustaining Breastfeeding Together." Learn more on API's blog, APtly Said. |
October 9, 2017
May 22, 2017
Research has revealed that right up until the advent of electric light, humans normally experienced 2 distinct segments of sleep. Factory work, made possible with light, further compressed and consolidated work and sleep hours in industrialized nations. And now, instead of allowing infants to sleep like they should, our modernized society has notions about the way infants “should” sleep. |
Prepare for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting
October 9, 2017
Darcia Narvaez, professor of psychology in the Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters and a fellow in the Institute for Educational Initiatives, has been named one of two winners of the first Expanded Reason Award for research. Darcia Narvaez is also on API's Board of Directors and chairs an international parenting conference with API. Congratulations, Darcia! |
June 30, 2017
Editor's Pick“The argument we make internationally is that [a high maternal death rate] is often a reflection of how the society views women,” he says. “In other countries, we worry about the culture — women are not particularly valued, so they don’t set up systems to care for them at all. I think we have a similar problem in the US.” |
June 18, 2017
What is your very favorite thing about your father? These children from around the world speak out about their dads, daddies, and papas. |
June 18, 2017
Happy Father's Day from API! Today, children from around the world speak out to let us know what they admire most about their fathers. |
June 9, 2017
"Mothers who do not feel in control of their lives and who struggle with their teenage children can benefit significantly from having a social support network. But struggling dads in the same situation don’t seem to reap any benefits from social support, according to a new study published in the journal Family Process."" ~ Traci Pederson for PsychCentral |
May 16, 2017
The experience of being a mom can be challenging, exhausting, rewarding, and inspirational. There are plenty of trained experts and professionals who lend their guidance on ways to navigate through the complex web of motherhood, but oftentimes, the most grounded support comes from those who have been down in the trenches -- so to speak: everyday mothers. Today, we bring you words of advice from 10 mothers who shared with us the wisdom and insight they acquired along the way, on their motherhood path. |
May 15, 2017
Being a mom is like being a gardener -- it’s hard labor that gets accomplished regardless of the conditions. It is the kind of work that requires fortitude, dedication, and an abundance of patience. We tend to our children, nourish them, watch them grow, and reap what we sow. All the while, we are continuously mesmerized by their essence and beauty. Today, as we celebrate the unique and precious role of a mother, we bring to you these thoughtful expressions from mothers around the world. |
May 8, 2017
Much of Western society chooses to view childbirth differences as merely a matter of personal choice. Rather, API encourages us to recognize this important beginning in both our child's life and our relationship with our child. Keeping this in mind, the first of API's Eight Principles of Parenting -- Prepare for pregnancy, birth, and parenting -- is a critical investment in our roles as mothers (and fathers). This video discusses how birth professionals can empower new mothers in doing this. |
Respond with Sensitivity
October 7, 2017
"Parents really matter. In this study, children who had engaged interested parents, ones who had ambitions for their future, were more likely to escape from a difficult start. "Parents and what they do are really, really important, especially in the first few years of life." ~ Helen Pearson on Lessons from the Longest Study on Human Development |
October 3, 2017
Editor's Pick"Nadella asked his top executives to read Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication. Rosenberg describes the concept as “a way of being very honest, without any criticism, insults, or put-downs, and without any intellectual diagnosis implying wrongness.” For Redmond, McCracken writes: |
October 3, 2017
Editor's Pick"Human beings have enormous power to enrich life. We can use words to contribute to people’s enjoyment, their wisdom. We can use words that can make life miserable for people. So our words are very powerful. We can touch people in ways that give great pleasure, great nurturing, support. We are powerhouses, and there’s nothing we enjoy doing more than to use that power we have to enrich lives. So isn’t it wonderful that we have this power and the joy it brings when we use it? That’s to be celebrated. Wow! And the more we celebrate that, the less we will be willing to do anything else." |
October 3, 2017
Welcome to AP Month 2017 as we celebrate Word Power! Each year AP Month features a different, timely theme around which we invite families to join together and celebrate healthy parenting and happy families. Our themes are generally timely and this one no less so as we take a look at “Word Power: Communicating for Connection.” As parents, we’re familiar with the request for children to “use their words” in all kinds of situations. Often we’re inviting them to practice using verbal expressive language to communicate their needs instead of physical impulses. |
October 2, 2017
Learn about the research behind this year's theme for AP Month, and get ready to celebrate Attachment Parenting by empowering our children's words. |
September 12, 2017
Is your child having trouble getting back into the routine of school? Take a look at his or her afterschool needs, in addition to connection time with you, to make it easier for the whole family. Mom of 3, Kelly Shealer shares her experience in this API blog post. |
June 27, 2017
My daughter, who’s on the verge of turning 3, recently had a brief scary moment where she couldn’t find me at the playground. Though it was less than a minute before she spotted me again, for a child that young, that’s a long time and it can really leave an impression. Here's how this mother helped her daughter work through the lasting fear of this event. |
June 9, 2017
My 3-year-old daughter recently found our old nursing pillow in the closet. It had been about a year since we finished nursing, so I was surprised when she said, “Remember I used to lay on this?” Breastfeeding is a powerful way to create and strengthen the attachment bond with our babies and toddlers. But what can compare after they've weaned? This mom shares her story. |
May 12, 2017
May is Get Caught Reading Month. Founded in 1999, this campaign was launched to remind people about the joys and fun of reading. But what happens when our children don't pick up a love of reading like we want? |
May 8, 2017
Announcing the theme of AP Month 2017 -- "Word Power: Communicating for Connection" -- and inviting your photo submissions on this theme. |
Practice Positive Discipline
September 20, 2017
Arguments between siblings are inevitable. The question many parents face, is how to best handle the situation? Mom of 3, Kayla Lunde shares a recent instance that unfolded in her house to show that sibling squabbles can be done in a way that respects both parties and sets a foundation for growth in all involved. |
Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life
June 2, 2017
How important is it to find parents to give you support, encouragement, and advice in Attachment Parenting? This mom shares her experience after dealing with her child's public tantrum. |
May 9, 2017
We’ve got a big idea for AP Month this year, but it depends on a collaboration with you – and all AP families! Let’s build a photographic image-base demonstrating our strength for Word Power – and share it with the world! The AP Month theme this year is “Word Power: Communicating for Connection” because we’re working toward changing the tone and content of our conversation with words that build up and nurture each other and our children. |
Ensure Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally
May 24, 2017
If we follow evidence-based normal human development, early independence is a fallacy. We find instead that parents and infants are designed to be in close contact, breastfeeding and sleeping in intervals that begin at 2 hours and then slowly stretch out over time. If this were somehow maladaptive or unhealthy, we simply would not be here to tell the tale. |
May 24, 2017
Light bulbs, alarm clocks, factories, and offices are new cultural inventions that require a whole new sleep-industrial complex to maintain. Taking it all into consideration, there is no question of adaptation. Listening to our babies causes us to take pause and ask ourselves: At what cost to our health and well-being do we continue to believe that our sleep is adaptive, and at what cost to our child's health and well-being are we forcing them to do the same? |
May 23, 2017
If we take a holistic view of the sleep question, we have to ask how successful and beneficial it is when we discover the "normal" situation of medicated sleep and the reach of adult sleep difficulties into so many lives. Is it “normal” that we should let our babies cry to sleep at a point when they most need short-interval feedings and physical contact with us to stimulate growth hormones? What’s the cost to them when we force them to adapt to our needs versus us to their needs? |
Use Nurturing Touch
May 17, 2017
For babies requiring long-term hospitalization, like preemies and other ill newborns, some hospitals now offer Volunteer Cuddlers to help meet their needs for nurturing touch. |
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