"Photographer and mom of three Megan Soto has spent three years taking pictures of nursing moms for the Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project. But she only recently discovered an important part of normalizing breastfeeding/"
Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy an infant's nutritional and emotional needs. "Bottle Nursing" adapts breastfeeding behaviors to bottle-feeding to help initiate a secure attachment. Follow the feeding cues for both infants and children, encouraging them to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Offer healthy food choices and model healthy eating behavior.
"Photographer and mom of three Megan Soto has spent three years taking pictures of nursing moms for the Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project. But she only recently discovered an important part of normalizing breastfeeding/" |
It’s that day...the dreaded day that no new mother wants to face -- the last day of maternity leave. Mother of 2, Beth McKay offers 5 tips on API's blog to help nursing mothers transition smoothly back into the workplace. |
In this throwback post on API's blog, a clinical social worker-lactation consultant and mother of 2 discusses historical trauma and the role breastfeeding can play in healing generations of hurt. |
Mary White, Edwina Hearn Froehlich, Mary Anne Cahill, Betty Wagner Spandikow, Viola Brennan Lennon, Mary Ann Kerwin, Marian Leonard Tompson -- while these 7 names may not ring a bell, what they did has influenced so many lives all around the world Read more |
Sustainable development -- that's a mouthful. Breastfeeding isn't usually what comes to mind when we think of sustainable development, but according to the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA), it should. Learn more on API's blog. |
"Breastfeeding is generally regarded as a two-person job: the breastfeeding parent and the baby or child. Sometimes a third party is necessary to help establish or maintain the breastfeeding bond. |
"The WHO Code is turning 35, and this vital public health policy is more critical than ever. The World Health Organization Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes was passed in 1981 to regulate predatory marketing tactics by infant formula co Read more |
"Breast-feeding is known to offer a wealth of health benefits for babies, and a new study has just uncovered another: better long-term heart structure and function for preterm infants." |
"Every working mom knows how hard it can be to juggle the demands of her job with the needs of her new baby, particularly when it comes to breast-feeding. |