With a vast array of known benefits from the age-old practice, the number of mothers who first turn to breastfeeding in this country is on the rise.
Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy an infant's nutritional and emotional needs. "Bottle Nursing" adapts breastfeeding behaviors to bottle-feeding to help initiate a secure attachment. Follow the feeding cues for both infants and children, encouraging them to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Offer healthy food choices and model healthy eating behavior.
With a vast array of known benefits from the age-old practice, the number of mothers who first turn to breastfeeding in this country is on the rise. |
Mothers who breastfeed their babies have lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, reported a study from University of Cambridge. |
A study of 47 children who began stuttering at an early age found that those who were breastfed in infancy were more likely to recover from stuttering and return to fluent speech. |
A lot of thoughtful, impassioned arguments have been made by moms who have had to defend their rights to breastfeed in public, but few are as powerful as this. |
We know that breastfeeding has a positive impact on child development and health - including protection against illness. |
As daguerreotypes became available, women began to pose breastfeeding their infants, capturing them in this most essential of maternal roles. |
A new study boosts the evidence that breastfeeding is good for babies’ brains. |
Thanks to public-health messages, everyone pretty much knows that breastfeeding is beneficial for baby. But it’s also really good for mom, and now a new study quantifies just how good. |
Many women may have an over abundance of breastmilk after their child is born. |
Maternal Sociodemographic Characteristics and the Use of the Iowa Infant Attitude Feeding Scale to Describe Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration in a Population of Urban, Latina Mothers: A Prospective Cohort Study |