The recent controversies generated by depictions of Attachment Parenting in the Western mdia and elsewhere have revealed a fairly astounding degree of misinformation about infant and child development.
Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy an infant's nutritional and emotional needs. "Bottle Nursing" adapts breastfeeding behaviors to bottle-feeding to help initiate a secure attachment. Follow the feeding cues for both infants and children, encouraging them to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Offer healthy food choices and model healthy eating behavior.
The recent controversies generated by depictions of Attachment Parenting in the Western mdia and elsewhere have revealed a fairly astounding degree of misinformation about infant and child development. |
“I totally support breastfeeding, but what’s so hard about covering up to breastfeed in public?” |
A cool new breastfeeding source. |
"I am sorry. |
“Are you sure no one can see me?” “No, I’m pretty sure everyone can see you.” |
The Role of Nutrition in Infant Mortality: A Public Health Perspective |
The Role of Nutrition in Infant Mortality: A Public Health Perspective |
"A mother’s diet before conception can permanently affect how her child’s genes function, according to a study published in Read more |
Has somebody told you that your baby doesn't need to breastfeed at night past a certain age? This age often varies by advisor. However, science tells us that in many cases, this simply isn't true. |