A tribute to the natural-ness of breastfeeding: 30 photos from around the world
Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy an infant's nutritional and emotional needs. "Bottle Nursing" adapts breastfeeding behaviors to bottle-feeding to help initiate a secure attachment. Follow the feeding cues for both infants and children, encouraging them to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Offer healthy food choices and model healthy eating behavior.
A tribute to the natural-ness of breastfeeding: 30 photos from around the world |
I have been lucky enough to collate together many pictures from families across the globe as part of the #ISupportBreastfeeding project. With each new photograph, I see a recurring theme: the concept of connection. |
Hoping to encourage an affinity for healthy, whole foods is one reason my husband and I opted to follow an approach I'd read about, baby-led weaning, to introduce our daughter to solid food. |
When I breastfeed, how do I know I am doing it right? Is my baby getting enough milk? How often do I need to feed my baby? Why does my friend’s baby not feed as frequently? |
There are so many people whose names we don't readily know, or names we may never know -- people who are all doing their own little part in their communities, even if only in their homes, to make the world a more compassionate place for their chil Read more |
“The Milky Way” film was powerful, here at the 2014 API Conference, where the film’s producers were available for discussion. |
Support legislation protecting a woman's right to breastfeed her child in Idaho where ever she has the legal right to be. |
You are what you eat, the saying goes, and now a study suggests that the oft-repeated adage applies not just to physical health, but to brain power as well. |
For premature infants, adequate growth while in the neonatal intensive care unit is an indicator of better long-term health and developmental outcomes. |
Last year, in honor of World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month, HuffPost Parents worked with Kim Simon, Suzanne Barston and Jamie Grumet to launch the I Support You campaign -- a movement that celebrates all moms and their feedin Read more |