Access the May 2015 issue of Breastfeeding Today.
Breastfeeding is the optimal way to satisfy an infant's nutritional and emotional needs. "Bottle Nursing" adapts breastfeeding behaviors to bottle-feeding to help initiate a secure attachment. Follow the feeding cues for both infants and children, encouraging them to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. Offer healthy food choices and model healthy eating behavior.
Access the May 2015 issue of Breastfeeding Today. |
I always assumed I would breastfeed my kids, and I have. But I never anticipated the struggle I would have when one of them developed severe food allergies. |
To say that Mary Ann Cahill was an extraordinary woman is a total understatement. |
By settling in, I mean that I tried to make food available to them as quickly as possible while they clamored and clawed at me, making noises that were part cries, part laughs and part hyperventilation. |
Physical activity plays an important role in the physical, mental and social health of children. Unfortunately, most children do not accumulate sufficient physical activity for health benefits. |
Not only does breastfeeding have clear short-term benefits, such as protection from infectious diseases and a reduction in mortality, it's also been shown to be associated with an increase in intelligence. |
Word that a new study has found that children who were breast-fed for longer ended up smarter and richer will be welcome among one group of mothers in particular, those who practice Attachment Parenting that supports a longer-than-average time bef Read more |
Human babies appear to need more of a nutritional boost from breast-milk proteins than do infants of one of their closest primate relatives, suggests a study comparing human milk with the milk of rhesus macaque monkeys. |
"Buddhism teaches that desire causes suffering. The Sanskrit word 'tanha' is often translated as desire or attachment. But in my studies, the term 'clinging' reflects the wisdom of Buddhism best. |
The moment of birth marks the beginning of a beautiful, lifelong relationship between a baby and the billions of microbes that will soon colonize his or her gastrointestinal tract. |