Sueño infantil seguro - Safe Infant Sleep is in Spanish!
Exciting news! Our best-selling parenting book is now available in Spanish!
Sueño infantil seguro: Repuestas de los expertos a tus preguntas sobre el colecho is now available in stores, catalogs, and from online sellers. Safe Infant Sleep, the expert guide to cosleeping by James J. McKenna, Ph.D. is finally accessible to Spanish language readers.
This award-winning book invites parents to read comprehensive, evidence-based cosleeping research and weigh the pros and cons for themselves in order to confidently choose a sleeping arrangement that will be safe and beneficial for their precious infant.
Sueño infantil seguro also introduces the integral new concept of breastsleeping, a bedsharing technique based on the evolutionary connection between breastfeeding and infant sleep.
The Spanish translation joins the English paperback and audiobook as the essential resource for cosleeping information.