Immediate skin-to-skin with fathers can boost the hearts of babies born by C-section
"Mothers and babies are routinely separated after C-section in many places around the world. However, more places are offering “gentle cesarean” techniques, or “mother-friendly C-sections”, where the baby is placed immediately on the mother’s chest in the operating theatre, with immediate skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding fully supported..
Obviously, being held skin-to-skin by the mother as soon as the baby is born would be ideal for the baby as immediate skin-to-skin contact helps stabilise the baby’s blood sugar, helps stabilise the baby’s temperature, helps establish bonding and breastfeeding, reduces stress etc, and also it is ideal for establishing the baby’s skin microbiome.
If the mother needs to be separated from her baby, then being held skin-to-skin by the father / partner could be seen as “the next best thing”."