Sleep-training techniques can have detrimental physiological and psychological effects. Safe cosleeping has benefits to both babies and parents. View this meme on API's blog and share it from API's Facebook page.
Sleep-training techniques can have detrimental physiological and psychological effects. Safe cosleeping has benefits to both babies and parents. View this meme on API's blog and share it from API's Facebook page. |
It is easier to be emotionally responsive when you feel in balance. View this meme on API's blog and share it from API's Facebook page. |
Attachment Parenting is more than a tick-boxed scorecard of babywearing and breastfeeding. It is so very much more. Attachment Parenting, for many of us, is a way of life. |
Thanks to everyone who submitted a photo to API's "Community of Peace" Photo Event during AP Month 2016 in October! It is a beautiful collection of peaceful parenting in real-life. |
On this last day of AP Month 2016, we bring you insight on API's blog as to what our children are internalizing as to what peace is including 14-year-old Remy's "Peace to me means no child anywhere would know violence," 8-year-old Anna's "Peace... read more |
"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children." Share this meme from API's Facebook page. |
"To reach peace, teach peace." Share this meme from API's Facebook page. |
Social norms shape societal behavior, including violence. Read what the research says in this AP Month Daily Tip. |
Our children are keenly tuned in to us. They know very well how to read the signs that serve as the early warning system indicating the likelihood of an impending mom-meltdown. Over time, they have become skilled at rating the level of threat. |
What side are you on when it comes to violence? Does that identity serve peace? Read what the research says in this AP Month Daily Tip. |