Trust, mutual respect and collaboration are the foundation of a strong relationship, whether the relationship is between spouses, friends, or parent and child.
Trust, mutual respect and collaboration are the foundation of a strong relationship, whether the relationship is between spouses, friends, or parent and child. |
A huge part of Attachment Parenting is learning, and teaching our children, how to be mindful -- that ability to calm our minds, connect with our emotions in the moment, work through any conflicting feelings, and respond to others in truth and... read more |
"But what if I told you that, broadly speaking, Dr. |
"Cruelty flows from anger and frustration, and confers a feeling of power over others that can be pleasurable. Children aren’t born with effective techniques for emotional self-regulation. |
"Toddlers may be ever so adorable but they can also be frustratingly poor at listening and respecting other people's feelings. |
"A Perth study led by researchers from The University of Western Australia has found that participation in a local mothers’ group (facilitated or parent-led) is linked to mothers’ who have a positive mental well-... read more |
Note: This product is a PAL recording and is not playable in the United States. International shipping is required. |
"Notre Dame Psychologist Darcia Narvaez studied more than 600 adults and found those who were cuddled as children grew into more well-adjusted adults with less anxiety and better mental health. |
"Parenting is tough, he adds, but good parents represent the first line of defense against the sorts of adverse childhood experiences — things like abuse, neglect or witnessing domestic violence — that often spur... read more |