Thank You to API Staff
Editor's Pick
As we celebrate these changes at API, we especially want to celebrate the amazing team that has supported you up through this transition!
We celebrate our coordinating team, Kendrah Nilsestuen, Leader Liaison; Lisa Ricciuti, Leader Applicant Liaison; Rita Brhel, Publications Coordinator; Naomi Davidson, Technology Coordinator; Art Yuen, Development Coordinator; and dedicated volunteers, Jennifer Yarbrough, Advertising Manager; Christy Sensenig, Volunteer and Professionals Liaison; Ashlee Gray, Store Manager; Katie Bieker, Leader Applicant Assistant; Tina McRorie, Parenting Education Training; Victoria LeBlanc, Parenting Educator Liaison; Megan Bell, Communications; Jenni Ascher, Transcriptions; Effie Morchi, Communications; Kendra Godfrey, Communications; Laura Rasay Siasoco, Data Admin; Leigh Kaminski-Wohar, Instagram; Veena Kumaraswamy, Tech; Maryam Jadali Saghei, Legal Support; Bhavna Singh, Legal Support; and all the volunteers over the past 25 years.
API is forever in their debt for the countless hours and the incredible amount of heart they have poured into their work. They will always be serving this mission as it is part of their lives, and you will be hearing more about the wonderful things they are doing for attachment parenting and beyond.
Thank you, for sharing your gifts and time with so many families and for the legacy you have fostered with your work.