Don't worry about what the 'experts' say: The kids are going to be all right
"But what if I told you that, broadly speaking, Dr. Sax and every other expert who has made similarly sweeping condemnations of modern child-centred parenting in recent years (think of books like All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood by Jennifer Senior or Drop the Worry Ball by Alex Russell and Tim Falconer) – are simply empirically wrong? There may be a general feeling of a “crisis” in modern parenting, but if you look at the numbers, across the board, there has simply never been a better time to be a middle-class child in Canada."
"While proponents of behaviourism believe that discipline should be administered externally – often through threats and punishment – proponents of attachment parenting propose another way: that by teaching our children empathy and self-regulation, we can encourage them to grapple with their emotions and have genuine respect for the feelings of others."