API 2015 Year in Review
After celebrating API’s 20th year serving families and validating the impact of API, 2015 was a year to plan and ensure that API can continue our services and programs. API continued valuable programs such as accrediting leaders, distributing research-backed and investigative articles in timely publications, raising awareness about secure attachment, and helping individual families nurture for a more compassionate future. This is the core of API’s work. Families and services are grateful for your support and donations, and want you know how much you accomplished.
Accredit, Join, Serve
You brought the number of API Leaders and leader applicants to 248 and local support groups to 80, with several new countries represented. You provided the support leaders needed, such as meeting guides, outreach materials, mentoring, monthly support calls, “Leader Talk” enewsletters, and “Connections” blog posts, as well as addressed unique circumstances with one-on-one support from API staff. You developed a new Support Group Reporting form to help tell the API story more effectively. You celebrated API Leaders with 1, 5, 10, and even more than 15 years of dedicated volunteer service in their communities.