Whenever I encounter turbulence on my maiden voyage of parenting, I take solace in reminding myself of one really crucial ingredient of Attachment Parenting: trust.
Whenever I encounter turbulence on my maiden voyage of parenting, I take solace in reminding myself of one really crucial ingredient of Attachment Parenting: trust. |
When I am pregnant, I can sleep anywhere, anytime. But there was one thing that kept me awake at night, staring at the ceiling: my son's warm body snuggled next to mine, with his arm draped over my growing belly. |
Hoping to encourage an affinity for healthy, whole foods is one reason my husband and I opted to follow an approach I'd read about, baby-led weaning, to introduce our daughter to solid food. |
On today's AP Month post, we're posed the question: How do we get from there to here? How do we, as parents, raise our children to fulfill the positive child outcomes that science shows is the result of effective parenting? |
Both of us are parents, with six sons between us, and we both were teachers with experience on the front lines, which gave us the perspective, determination and passion to begin a grassroots nonprofit organization called Attachment Parenting... read more |
Motherhood almost makes you lose yourself. Almost, because you find yourself with every touch of baby's soft skin, cheek to cheek. Almost, because you find yourself with every gaze held in those deep, pool-like eyes. |
There is something so sweet about watching our older children mimic our parenting approach with their younger siblings. At 7, our oldest is interested and physically strong enough to care for her new baby sister. |
Describing what you observe is happening in a non-dramatic, non-judgemental tone of voice is called "mirroring" and can be used as a positive discipline tehcnique as well as an attunement excercise in learning how to respond with sensitivity. |
The good news is that there is so much more that we know now about child development and brain development that there are so many more options for parents and caregivers that really do work so much more than spanking ever did -- and keeps... read more |
I wanted to do something to prevent the crisis and not just offer crisis management. |