How has being present in your children's lives has changed you?
Share your families!
Share your creativity!

One of our popular AP Month activities, the Blog Event, will be inviting submissions in the months leading up to October.
This year's APM theme is Parental Presence: Birthing Families, Strengthening Society.
Blogs that best illustrate the topics will be selected for showcasing during AP Month in October on APtly Said. We would love to hear how being present has influenced your life.
Share your stories with us! Check out the guidelines below, mark your calendars for invitation dates, and get ready to send in your creative moments in parenting!
1. Write a blog post on the topic "How has being present in your children's lives has changed you?"
2. Kindly remove any promotional and advertisement features from your posts.
3. We love photos! So, if you have one to include, please send it (with proper credit and license).
4. Submit a link to your post via email to with a short message that the post is part of the AP Month 2015 blog event.
5. API will review all submissions and feature those that most closely demonstrate our AP Month theme.