Initial choices about breastfeeding will likely influence future breastfeeding decisions, so breastfeeding interventions should specifically target new mothers.
Initial choices about breastfeeding will likely influence future breastfeeding decisions, so breastfeeding interventions should specifically target new mothers. |
At more than 70 percent, the frequency of initiating breastfeeding in the United States is high. However, attrition rates in the first weeks and months after discharge from the newborn nursery are substantial. Why? |
Learn how hormones help to coordinate a baby's need for milk (sucking or crying) with a woman's release of milk in this Khan Academy video. |
Babies' milk teeth carry their early food history, and this record remains stable for tens of thousands of years. |
New evidence from research suggests that infants fed formula, rather than breastmilk, experience metabolic stress that could play a part in the long-recognized link between formula-feeding and an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and... read more |
Breastfeeding is not only good for baby but also good for mums, with a new study by the University of Western Sydney finding breastfeeding reduces the chances of mums developing high blood pressure even decades later. |
Staff with Action contre la Faim (ACF) regularly hear widespread beliefs about breastfeeding perils: It is dangerous to breastfeed while pregnant as it could weaken the unborn infant; women should not breastfeed if a previous child has died while... read more |
The emotional and physical welfare of infants is API's mission, and API celebrates the efforts and research aimed at reducing and eliminating SIDS/SUDS. The Carpenter et. al. |
"It is possible to give a newborn a better chance of survival. It highlights four simple, life-saving treatments that if taken to scale could save more than one million newborns each year: |