The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing a report, Health for the World’s Adolescents, that will outline recent research and the growing consensus on the importance of adolescent health; and the achievements of the... read more
The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing a report, Health for the World’s Adolescents, that will outline recent research and the growing consensus on the importance of adolescent health; and the achievements of the... read more |
We’ve all been there. Our kids come to us with a problem (or perhaps, more worryingly, they don’t), and our hurried responses or efforts to intervene only make the situation worse. |
There are many parenting moments that have brought me to tears, and each for a variety of reasons: giving birth, stepping barefoot on a LEGO, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and at my wit's end, and watching my children interact with each... read more |
It hit me like a ton of bricks last week. I was at the community pool, looking around to see what my kids were up to. Then I really looked at them. The big one was playing with her friends, her long arms and legs splashing. |
It’s a trend that people who’ve taken early childhood education courses and psychology experts can easily identify: today’s kids just aren’t as empathetic as kids from previous generations. |
[VIDEO] Almost one in four American children are living in poverty, according to a new report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. |
"Some days he gripes throughout his practice when he has a hard piece to practice; occasionally, he’ll ask me to buy him the sheet music to a song he heard somewhere or sang in school. |