Not only does breastfeeding have clear short-term benefits, such as protection from infectious diseases and a reduction in mortality, it's also been shown to be associated with an increase in intelligence.
Not only does breastfeeding have clear short-term benefits, such as protection from infectious diseases and a reduction in mortality, it's also been shown to be associated with an increase in intelligence. |
Word that a new study has found that children who were breast-fed for longer ended up smarter and richer will be welcome among one group of mothers in particular, those who practice Attachment Parenting that supports a longer-than-average time... read more |
More than half of all parents will find themselves sharing a sleep space with their babies at some point in the first six months, and advice “for” or “against” bed sharing can be an emotive and divisive topic. |
Infants can make sense of complex social situations, taking into account who knows what about whom, according to research at the University of Missouri. |
Hi there. I'm your toddler, and there's a few things you really need to know about me. Knowing these 5 things will make things better for all of us. Also, please let me have a cookie while you read this: 1. My Brain is a Toddler Too! |
I can't count the number of times that someone has told me that I need to get out of the house without my son. |
There are issues that Attachment Parenting International does not take a stance on and instead advocates for all parents to be informed when making parenting decisions that work best for their families. |
I tell myself I'm not that child anymore. She's part of me, but now I can finally free myself from the patterns and throughts that in her mind nad gained strength over the years that followed. |
One of the messages I thread through much of my writing and through my actions is the need for each of us, from birth, to be heard. To be seen. To be understood. |
Using Nurturing Touch is one of Attachment Parenting International's Eight Principles of Parenting. |