"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process -- gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures." Share this meme on API's blog and Facebook page.
"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process -- gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures." Share this meme on API's blog and Facebook page. |
What does play teach your children about peace? Read what the research says in this AP Month Daily Tip. |
How do peace and play go together? Read what the research says in this AP Month Daily Tip. |
API promotes parenting practices that create strong, healthy emotional bonds between children and their parents. For life. So they can take those bonds with them into their adult lives and share them with their children. |
"New York will install regulations next year to encourage new mothers to breastfeed. |
"“It really goes back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs,” Warnock said. “If I don’t feel a sense of belonging and security, it’s hard to move into academic learning.” |
"Participants included 22 mothers, 9 fathers, and 4 grandmothers; 31% were single parents, 43% nonwhite race/ethnicity, and 40% completed high school or less. |
"If you are looking for a more succinct answer to what Attachment Parenting is then API provides just that. They say there are eight principals that make up the philosophy of attachment parenting:" |
"Fallon underwent more tests, which confirmed the diagnosis. Over time, he realized that he’d known all along. |
"So this post is just to answer some of the many questions that come from not understanding the concept of co-sleeping. And FYI, not getting into the history, the cultural, the moral, the whatevers about it." |