"Sleep training could be the safest thing in the world, but it’s still not how you treat a person. Especially a person you love, who is completely helpless without you, who didn’t ask for you to bring her into this world."
"Sleep training could be the safest thing in the world, but it’s still not how you treat a person. Especially a person you love, who is completely helpless without you, who didn’t ask for you to bring her into this world." |
If you love Attachment Parenting International, then help us out by saying so -- Please take 3 min or less to help us get Top-Rated status at GreatNonprofits by sharing your story. It’s quick, easy & really helps us out with grants and donors. |
Volume 1 is focussed on the communication and development of relationships with babies and... read more |
Art’tachment, an app for parents, "is designed to enable you to better meet your child’s need for connectedness and stimulation." It includes activities to do together and scientific insights to better understand your child. |
"These kids live with what philosopher Pascal Bruckner calls “tension without intention.” They’re constantly stressed, and they’re growing aware that there’s no payoff for it all." |
"Children do not need toxic stress. Ever. |
API Cofounders, Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker, will be returning to Toronto, Canada, in 2019 to lead a three-day Attached at the Heart Parenting Educator Training. |
Vimala McClure brought the age-old practice of infant massage to the West in her groundbreaking first book, "Infant Massage, a Handbook for Loving Parents."
API is proud to be a member of the U.S. Alliance to End the Hitting of Children!
API's Principles of Parenting advocate responding with sensitivity and positive discipline, visit www.attachmentparenting.org/principles/introduction to learn more. |