The quality of parent-child attachment in the early years makes a huge difference to that child's well-being, according to pediatric psychologist Meghan Wells. The challenge is getting past the point of blaming parents.
The quality of parent-child attachment in the early years makes a huge difference to that child's well-being, according to pediatric psychologist Meghan Wells. The challenge is getting past the point of blaming parents. |
While women who are better off financially are less likely to be involved in a violent relationship in the first place, and to have the means to leave a violent partner if she does enter that kind of relationship, Brazilian programs aimed at... read more |
Maternal depression is most common in mothers of middle schoolers, according to an American study published in the journal Developmental Psychology. |
Structural changes in the brains of pregnancy women are so distinct that mothers can be identified just by a look at their brain scans, according to a study conducted in Spain and published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. |
Four states have enacted paid family leave laws, and an additional 20 states plus the District of Columbia have proposals on the table. |
Teens are more likely to act-out if they perceive their parents' discipline approach to be more negative than the parents view it themselves, according to a study by the University of California-Riverside published in the Journal of Youth and... read more |
We can't always protect our children from trauma, but we can provide the support they need to process and heal. Without support, our children can't heal and the effect of unprocessed emotional pain on their minds and bodies can be profound. |
Wondering how not to raise your children with toxic shame? |
How important is it that we give our infants and children intentional presence? These videos on the Still Face Experiment clearly shows that infants need sensitive responsiveness, and relationship repair, from ALL caregivers. |
We all want to get better at the things we care about. Today's reflection from API Reads is taken from a TED Talk video. |