"My friend and I talked about this fact: Yes, we spend hours talking to our kids about WHY to say No, but we don’t tell them HOW to say no. When they are put on the spot – they don’t have hours to explain their decisions to their peers.... read more
"My friend and I talked about this fact: Yes, we spend hours talking to our kids about WHY to say No, but we don’t tell them HOW to say no. When they are put on the spot – they don’t have hours to explain their decisions to their peers.... read more |
What does it take to be a good parent? We know some of the tricks for teaching kids to become high achievers. |
For too many, the damage begins early in life. Four out of 10 infants born in the United States do not form a strong bond with either parent, and they will pay for that the rest of their lives. |
April 23-25, 2014 New York City |
API is pleased to cosponsor the free online "Parenting with Presence" Summit, March 18-21, 2014. |
Leader Milestones Congrats, Leaders! 1-Year Anniversaries: |
"In my work with parents and teachers on solving behavior challenges with children, I help them identify the problem, possible causes of the behavior, and then possible solutions for eliminating it. |
We often hear the cornerstone of healthy parenting quoted as consistently “responding with sensitivity” to our infants’ and children’s emotional and physical needs in relation to their biological-developmental stage. |
Parents who spank believe it's an effective way to discipline children. But extensive research has linked spanking to short- and long-term child behavior problems. |
With implications for all children, a new study has found that parenting affects the academic and social performance of African-American boys as they move from preschool to kindergarten. |