Where can you find trusted information about Attachment Parenting? Here are some of the trusted resources.
Where can you find trusted information about Attachment Parenting? Here are some of the trusted resources. |
Unless you're an academic, you'll probably find research studies to not be the easiest material to digest, but if the science behind parenting matters to you, it's important to check out studies you learn about through the media. |
There are continually media reports coming out about parenting approaches, including Attachment Parenting. Some are affirming. Others are worrying. |
My home life was rich in attachment -- and stimulus. Attachment begins with the creation of emotionally close, consistent relationships between parents adn children in all child development stages. |
After giving birth to my first son, I made choices and decisions based on my instincts and the purest love I’d ever known. I wasn’t following another’s footsteps. I wasn’t asking for advice. |
I always wanted to be a Daddy...I just never knew how much it would change me. Father of 2, Teja McDaniel shares on API's blog about what becoming a Daddy has been like for him. |
Sometimes I start thinking about the man I used to be before having kids, and I always get so amazed at how much I have changed during this short period of time. |
I come from a story, as we all do. Some of it is real, some imagined or interpreted, and part of it remains a mystery as well. Never did I imagine in examining my own story that I would so deeply relish the experience of being a dad. |
"The study was carried out by researchers at Brigham Young University in Utah, and concluded that as shouting by fathers was louder and more forceful, it would be associated more with anger. |
It used to be the television. Today it's the smartphone, computer and iPad. The intrusion of even more kinds of screens in our lives is having an overwhelming effect on our families. |