
Journal Studies

Wedmore, H. V. (2013). A mixed methods approach to understanding the relationship between attachment and child outcomes: The connection of related findings, theory and cultural implications as explored through the perspectives and practices of attachment parents.

In Chapter 2 of this paper, a quantitative analysis investigated the association between positive couple interaction and child outcomes (externalizing behavior and social competence) as mediated through positive parenting and a secure parent-child attachment. In Chapter 3, a qualitative approach was used to explore the perspectives and parenting behaviors of mothers who identify as attachment parents Additionally, the implications of attachment theory, evolutionary theory, and the societal context in which parenting practices are embedded are explored. A connection between the quantitative and qualitative findings of this study is drawn in Chapter 4 via the discussion section. In addition, consistencies and inconsistencies were explored between the results of both studies as well as between previous research findings and pre-established theory.

Blogging, but not social networking, fulfilled a means of social support to new mothers, providing feelings of connectedness and well-being.

Social support was associated with a new mother’s confidence, which was further related to less postpartum depression.

Personal health was associated with social support, which included relationships with family and friends as well as volunteer opportunities.

Parenting style determined mothers' midlife life satisfaction while mothers' work roles did not, and authoritative parenting styles were directly linked to midlife happiness.

More research is needed to explore brain plasticity in response to social influences. What is known is that stress affects humans and animals similarly in changing the activation and physical structure of different parts of the brain. It also appears that positive emotional qualities can be acquired through training of the mind.

In solitary sleep arrangements, mothers were more involved in nighttime parenting than fathers, and breastfeeding was related to less father involvement. More father involvement early on predicted fewer night-wakings by 6 months.

Skin-to-skin contact lessened the mother’s stress and postpartum depression symptoms within the first month after childbirth.

Women who received more support from their partners during pregnancy experienced less distress postpartum and reported that their infants were happier, too.